Wisdom Teeth Removal in Grand Rapids

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Grand Rapids

what are wisdom teeth?

Your body is miraculous, naturally shedding your baby teeth for larger adult teeth. Most of your adult teeth grow in between the ages of 12 and 14, with the exception of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that grow in between the ages of 15 and 20. However, your dentist may suggest wisdom teeth removal.

If you aren’t sure if you or your child need to have the third molars removed, schedule an appointment with Craft Dentistry in Grand Rapids, MI. Our exceptional team is led by Dr. Brianna Szymanski. We’ll assess the angle the molars are set to grow in to determine if they should be extracted.


A comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and oral health.


X-rays identify the precise angle wisdom teeth are set to grow in.


If extraction is required, we provide oral surgery and post-op care.

If you’re experiencing unidentified pain in your teeth and gums, it may be your wisdom teeth!

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Grand Rapids

Approximately 85% of teens and young adults have their wisdom teeth removed before they grow in. This eliminates the risk of a variety of problems, including misalignment and pain. X-rays are the only way to determine if you or your child’s third molars need to be removed to avoid painful complications.

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Dental health is whole-body health.

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Modern diets are easy to chew, so there’s no functional need for wisdom teeth. If they grow in, you’ll have an additional set of molars, but they may disrupt your smile. The pressure caused by your new teeth can shift and tilt your existing teeth. Whether your teeth are naturally straight, perfectly imperfect, or you’ve invested in professional teeth straightening—your wisdom teeth can undue your alignment!

Beyond aesthetics, this can cause pain and bite problems. Misalignment also makes brushing and flossing less effective, increasing your risk for cavities, tooth decay, and other oral health concerns.

In some cases, there’s no room for your molars to grow in, which causes extremely painful impaction. Impaction must be addressed to avoid infection.

Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Dentists suggest extraction for approximately 85% of teens and young adults between the ages of 15 and 20. An X-ray allows Craft Dentistry to determine if there’s room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth and if they’re likely to grow in at a concerning angle.

Why Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

When your molars start growing in, it can be painful. If Dr. Szymanskis suggests wisdom teeth extraction, it’s to avoid any combination of the following:

  •         Pain
  •         Inflammation
  •         Infection
  •         Crowding
  •         Impacted teeth
  •         Sinus problems
  •         Damage to surrounding teeth
  •         Increased risk of tooth decay
  •         Tilting, shifting, and misalignment

If the third molars have begun growing in, it’s not too late to extract them.

Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Surgery in Grand Rapids

Dr. Szymanski and the skilled team at Craft Dentistry ensure your comfort during surgery. We’ll discuss your sedation options and provide personalized pre- and post-op care. Most patients are candidates for IV sedation.

Someone will need to drive you home from your surgery, and you’ll need to eat soft foods for the next 24 hours.

Pain and swelling will occur, so we’ll provide a pain management plan. If food impaction, extreme pain, fever, or severe bleeding occur—call our office or seek emergency medical care.

Otherwise, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-surgery.


The only way to determine if you or your child need to have the wisdom teeth removed is by analyzing your X-rays to determine the angle they’re set to grow in.

Yes. Unlike the extraction of an existing tooth, wisdom teeth must be extracted from below the gumline.

Expect pain and swelling for up to 72 hours, with gradual healing over the next 3 to 4 weeks.

The only way to determine if full or partial coverage of your wisdom teeth surgery is provided is to call your insurance company.

Meet Dr. Brianna Szymanski

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