Dental Crowns & Bridges

Wyoming, Michigan

At Craft Dentistry, your comfort is our topmost priority. We strive to provide uncomplicated, stress-free dentistry so you can conveniently get the essential dental care you need. That's why we invest in state-of-the-art technology, including CEREC same-day crowns and bridges. Imagine restoring damaged or missing teeth in just one visit to our office!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped restorations that cover or cap the visible portions of damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. Dr. Szymanski may recommend a dental crown to repair a severely decayed, weak, cracked, or fractured tooth or fortify a tooth requiring a large filling. Dental crowns also strengthen teeth after root canal therapy and replace missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges.

Dental crowns are often used to make cosmetic modifications. They can enhance the size, shape, color, and overall appearance of teeth, leaving you with a dramatic smile transformation. Our aesthetic restorations are made to match your natural teeth, delivering seamless results.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed alternatives to removable partial dentures designed to replace one or multiple adjacent teeth. They are secured to dental crowns placed on natural teeth on either side of the gap, known as abutment teeth.

Dental bridges offer numerous benefits. They improve your chewing function and allow you to speak and smile with confidence. They also keep the neighboring teeth from drifting toward the gap, preventing many problems, including crooked teeth and problems with the bite. Restoring one or more missing teeth with a dental bridge will lower the risk of tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, uneven tooth wear, and TMJ problems.

What Are Same-Day CEREC Crowns and Bridges?

CEREC, or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, takes restorative dentistry to the next level. The innovative system allows us to create dental crowns and bridges and place them in a single visit!

Creating a same-day crown or bridge involves the use of computer-aided designing (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to produce high-quality, durable restorations. We first use our 3D scanner to capture digital models of your teeth without the need for any messy or gooey impressions. The information is sent to our on-site milling unit, which creates your ceramic crown or bridge made to match your smile.

CEREC technology offers numerous advantages. It is incredibly convenient, restoring your oral health without needing multiple visits. Using digital impressions and advanced software helps create highly accurate restorations with a perfect fit and improved function. Our CEREC crowns and bridges are made from a durable material that closely matches the shape, color, and texture of the surrounding teeth, leaving you with a beautifully natural smile.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me

If you are looking for solutions to restore damaged or missing teeth, contact Craft Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Dr. Szymanski may recommend a dental crown or bridge to restore your smile's health, function, and natural appearance. We proudly offer smile solutions tailored to your unique needs and goals. We invite you to call us at 616-538-4330 to schedule your visit or request one online today!

Proudly serving patients in Wyoming, MI, and the neighboring communities.

Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

We understand that your needs come last after serving everyone around you because that’s just how big your heart is. Well, now it’s YOUR turn! You deserve an unforgettable experience and we’re here to give that to you.