Invisalign Clear Aligners

Wyoming, Michigan

If you've been putting off straightening your teeth and perfecting your smile because you don't want to deal with uncomfortable and noticeable metal braces, you may want to consider Invisalign. The world's leading clear aligners system will gently and discreetly move your teeth into alignment. A visit to Craft Dentistry will get you on track to the smile of your dreams.

Why Choose Craft Dentistry for Your Invisalign Needs?

Dr. Szymanski and the entire team at Craft are skilled and passionate when it comes to Invisalign. Dr. Szymanski has immersed herself in education to provide the highest-level care and the best possible treatment outcomes. Dr. Szymanski is a member of the American Academy of Clear Aligners (AACA) and part of an exclusive coaching and training group that gives patients a next-level Invisalign experience.

Every team member is highly trained to make sure your Invisalign journey is convenient and efficient while aligning and perfecting your smile. You can count on us to provide an enjoyable experience while aligning your teeth, perfecting your smile, and giving you the confidence you deserve!

What Are the Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth?

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign is more than improving the appearance of your smile. It helps align your bite, preventing a host of oral health problems, including uneven tooth wear, tooth fracture, teeth grinding and pain, and improves airway problems like sleep apnea. Moreover, straight teeth are easier to clean effectively, which helps lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, safeguarding their health and improving their longevity.

Invisalign treatment can make a big difference in your life. You'll be able to chew with ease, speak more clearly, and feel more confident about your smile.

What Are the Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth?

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign is more than improving the appearance of your smile. It helps align your bite, preventing a host of oral health problems, including uneven tooth wear, tooth fracture, teeth grinding and pain, and improves airway problems like sleep apnea. Moreover, straight teeth are easier to clean effectively, which helps lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, safeguarding their health and improving their longevity.

Invisalign treatment can make a big difference in your life. You'll be able to chew with ease, speak more clearly, and feel more confident about your smile.

Invisalign - An Overview

Invisalign by Align Technology is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, custom aligners to straighten your teeth over time. Your Invisalign trays are made from a multilayer SmartTrack material that is engineered to gradually shift your teeth into alignment over time. The proprietary material moves your teeth vertically or horizontally or even rotates them when needed.

What Is the Invisalign Process?

We will start your smile transformation by evaluating your unique needs and determining whether Invisalign is right for you. Dr. Szymanski will capture 3D scans of your mouth to create your custom treatment plan, outlining the precise movement of your teeth and the expected length of treatment. You’ll even get to preview your new smile.

An Invisalign lab will use the information we provide to fabricate your aligners to your smile's unique specifications. When your aligner trays are ready, you will return to our office. Dr. Szymanski will check their fit and explain how to use and care for them.

You will need to wear your clear aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day, only taking them out to eat, drink, brush, or floss. You will switch to a new set of aligners about every two weeks, following your custom treatment plan. Dr. Szymanski will see you periodically to ensure your Invisalign treatment is on track.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign offers numerous advantages over traditional braces, making it a popular orthodontic solution. Here are some of the many benefits of Invisalign:

  • Virtually Invisible: Invisalign's aligners are made of a transparent material that is almost unnoticeable. Imagine straightening your teeth and perfecting your smile without anyone knowing!
  • Comfortable: Your clear aligner trays are custom-made from a smooth BPA-free plastic material. They are incredibly comfortable compared to braces with their wires and brackets that can sometimes irritate your mouth.
  • Convenient: Your aligners are removable, so you can eat what you want without restriction. It's also easier to brush and floss your teeth, promoting your oral health as you transform your smile.
  • Effective: Invisalign can address a range of concerns, including crooked or crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. Whatever your orthodontic needs are, Invisalign likely has a solution for you.
  • Predictable Results: Invisalign uses state-of-the-art digital imaging technology to map your treatment process. The SmartTrack material and SmartForce features apply pressure where needed, shifting your teeth into alignment with incredible precision.
  • Shorter Treatment Time: Invisalign can straighten your teeth up to 50 percent faster than traditional metal braces. You'll be smiling your best before you know it!

Invisalign Clear Aligners Near Me

If you are in search of a discreet alternative to traditional braces, contact Craft Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Dr. Szymanski will evaluate your smile and help you determine if Invisalign is right for you. We invite you to call us at 616-538-4330 to schedule your visit or request one online today!

Proudly serving patients in Wyoming, MI, and the neighboring communities.

Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

We understand that your needs come last after serving everyone around you because that’s just how big your heart is. Well, now it’s YOUR turn! You deserve an unforgettable experience and we’re here to give that to you.