Comprehensive Care

Wyoming, Michigan

At Craft Dentistry, we believe in prevention as the first line of defense against tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. We are pleased to offer comprehensive dental services to maintain long-term healthy smiles. Dr. Szymanski is committed to investing in the latest digital dentistry solutions for tailored treatments and quality comprehensive dental care.

New Patient Comprehensive Exams - An Overview

New patient exams involve an extensive and comprehensive evaluation of your dental health to set a baseline for future dental care. Here’s a look at what you can expect during your first visit to Craft Dentistry:

  • Medical History Review: We will review your medical history and current medications and will ask you about any oral health concerns.
  • Digital X-Rays: We will take digital X-rays to identify hidden problems, including early tooth decay, bone loss, cysts, or impacted teeth.
  • Tooth By Tooth Exam: We will evaluate your teeth and dental restorations to rule out decay, damage, chips, or cracks.
  • Gum Evaluation: We will assess your gum health and look for signs of periodontal diseases, such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums or pockets around your teeth.
  • Bite Evaluation: Your comprehensive exam will include an evaluation of your bite and jaw alignment to identify issues that can result in future tooth wear, loose teeth, and TMJ pain.
  • Oral Cancer Screening: We use our VELscope oral cancer screening system to highlight precancerous or cancerous cells in the soft tissues of your mouth and surrounding muscles, allowing for early detection and intervention.
  • Smile Assessment: We will evaluate your smile and may recommend ways to enhance its appearance, including teeth whitening, restoring damaged or missing teeth, or straightening misaligned teeth.
  • Next Steps: Dr. Szymanski will share any concerns with you and create a custom treatment plan recommending preventive or restorative dental treatments, as needed, for long-term healthy smiles.

Routine Dental Exams and Cleanings - An Overview

Visiting your dentist’s office for routine dental exams and cleanings is typically recommended every six months for patients with healthy teeth and gums. If, however, you have gum disease or are at risk of developing dental problems, you may require more frequent visits.

Your routine dental visits are fully customized to your unique needs. Dr. Szymanski will evaluate every aspect of your oral health, similar to your new patient exam. If there are signs of problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease, she will recommend prompt treatment to prevent a small concern from becoming a more serious one down the road. Dr. Szymanski conducts VELscope oral cancer screenings once a year to detect any abnormalities as early as possible, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

After your oral health evaluation, our dental hygienist will clean your teeth by removing plaque and tartar from your tooth surfaces and gum line. Routine dental cleanings have been shown to lower the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and a host of oral health concerns.

Depending on your individual needs, we may recommend a fluoride treatment to lower your risk of tooth decay. We may also offer tips and recommendations on home oral hygiene practices to keep your smile healthy and strong. 

Comprehensive Dental Care Near Me

If you are in search of a dental practice providing leading-edge comprehensive dental services, contact Craft Dentistry. We proudly offer quality preventive services tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Szymanski and her team are committed to creating a warm and inviting environment where you will feel right at home. We invite you to call us at 616-538-4330 to schedule your visit or request one online today!

Proudly serving patients in Wyoming, MI, and the neighboring communities.

Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

We understand that your needs come last after serving everyone around you because that’s just how big your heart is. Well, now it’s YOUR turn! You deserve an unforgettable experience and we’re here to give that to you.