Dental Implant Restorations

Wyoming, Michigan

Dental implants offer an excellent alternative to dental bridges or dentures. They are strong, stable, and durable and act just like your natural teeth. Craft Dentistry is pleased to offer a range of implant restorations using the latest technology and techniques. Treat your smile to the leading tooth replacement solution that's second only to natural, healthy teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are screw-shaped titanium posts that a periodontist or oral surgeon surgically places in the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. They integrate with the bone, providing a stable and secure foundation to support one or more replacement teeth made to look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth.

What Is the Dental Implant Restoration Procedure?

Our team at Craft Dentistry will work with your periodontist or oral surgeon, who will place your dental implants in your jawbone. During the healing process, the implant will fuse to the bone in a process called osseointegration. After the area heals, we will complete the implant process by crafting your implant restoration from digital impressions of your smile. Your new replacement teeth will look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth.

What Are the Types of Implant Restorations?

Craft Dentistry is pleased to offer single crowns, implant-supported bridges, and overdentures.

  • Single Crowns: A single same-day CEREC crown placed on a dental implant can restore a missing tooth with incredibly natural results. Single implant restorations are more functional and look more natural than dental bridges or removable partial dentures.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: Unlike traditional dental bridges that rely on neighboring teeth for support, implant-supported bridges are secured to dental implants. They offer an excellent, stable option for replacing two or more adjacent teeth.
  • Overdentures: Implant-supported dentures or overdentures offer a stable and functional alternative to traditional removable dentures. They are attached to a number of strategically placed dental implants, providing unmatched stability and function.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Implant dentistry is the gold standard in replacing missing teeth, delivering beautifully natural results. Your new restoration will enhance your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence once again.

Dental implants help maintain the health and integrity of the surrounding teeth and bone. When a tooth goes missing, the bone naturally begins to deteriorate over time, often leading to changes in the shape of the face and other oral health problems. Dental implants mimic the function of missing tooth roots, stimulating the bone in the area and preventing bone loss. They also maintain the alignment of the remaining teeth and prevent them from shifting out of place. 

Implant dentistry is highly predictable, with a more than 95% success rate. With proper oral hygiene practices and regular dental checkups, your implant restorations have the potential to last a lifetime.

Dental Implant Restoration Near Me

If you are in search of a long-term solution to restore severely damaged or missing teeth, or if you're tired of wearing dentures that don't seem to want to stay in place, contact Craft Dentistry to schedule a consultation. We proudly offer implant restorations and cutting-edge smile solutions tailored to your unique needs and goals. We invite you to call us at 616-538-4330 to schedule your visit or request one online today!

Proudly serving patients in Wyoming, MI, and the neighboring communities.

Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

We understand that your needs come last after serving everyone around you because that’s just how big your heart is. Well, now it’s YOUR turn! You deserve an unforgettable experience and we’re here to give that to you.