Cosmetic Dentistry

Wyoming, Michigan

At Craft Dentistry, we specialize in creating healthy, beautiful smiles. We are proud to offer a range of cosmetic dental procedures to correct the color, size, shape, alignment, and overall appearance of your teeth. Dr. Szymanski is committed to using the latest digital technology, cutting-edge techniques, and best-in-line materials to deliver stunning smile transformations. You’ll love the incredibly natural-looking and feeling results.

Cosmetic Dentistry - An Overview

Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry dedicated to creating beautiful, healthy smiles. While most of the procedures are elective, some are designed to restore damaged or missing teeth using materials and techniques that enhance your smile.

Here’s a look at the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedures proudly offered by Craft Dentistry:

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening involves the use of a peroxide-based gel to lift tooth stains and discoloration, leaving you with a whiter, brighter smile. Our custom whitening treatments offer a quick, safe, and easy way to restore your smile’s sparkle with dramatic, lasting results.

Porcelain Veneers: If you’re looking to mask tooth imperfections, dental veneers may be the perfect solution for you. The wafer-thin, custom-created porcelain shells fit over the front surfaces of your teeth, improving the appearance of stained, chipped, broken, gapped, or misaligned teeth with flawless results.

Cosmetic Bonding: Dental bonding is a conservative solution to mask tooth imperfections, enhancing your smile. It involves placing a tooth-colored composite resin material on your natural tooth surfaces to improve the color, size, shape, and overall appearance of your teeth, delivering beautifully natural results.

Invisalign Clear Aligners: Invisalign by Align Technology offers a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional metal braces to straighten crooked teeth and align your smile. The virtually invisible aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, gently and precisely moving them into position.

Tooth-Colored Fillings: Tooth-colored fillings offer a cosmetic solution to repair tooth decay and cavities or to replace old metal fillings. They are made from a composite resin material made to match the color of your natural teeth, enhancing your oral health and delivering a seamless smile.

Dental Crowns: Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that encase the visible portions of weak or damaged teeth, strengthening them and fortifying their structure. They are also used for cosmetic modifications, improving the appearance of stained, gapped, chipped, worn, or crooked teeth, improving your smile’s health and appearance.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, with results second only to natural, healthy teeth. Titanium, screw-shaped posts act as artificial tooth roots, preventing bone loss and providing an incredibly stable foundation to support implant restorations made to match your smile.

Your Smile Transformation

Transforming your smile begins with a consultation with Dr. Szymanski. She will evaluate your unique needs and create a custom treatment plan with one or more cosmetic procedures. Whether you need a minor cosmetic modification or a total smile makeover, we have the perfect solution!

Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me

If you are looking for ways to enhance your smile, contact Craft Dentistry to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services. We proudly offer smile solutions tailored to your unique needs and goals. We are committed to delivering beautiful, healthy smiles using the latest technology and techniques. We invite you to call us at 616-538-4330 to schedule your visit or request one online today!

Proudly serving patients in Wyoming, MI, and the neighboring communities.

Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

We understand that your needs come last after serving everyone around you because that’s just how big your heart is. Well, now it’s YOUR turn! You deserve an unforgettable experience and we’re here to give that to you.